A flavourful, creamy Pudding made with minimal ingredients.

Rose Milk Pudding


  • Milk 1/2 litre
  • Condensed milk 100 ml 
  • Gelatine 10 gm 
  • Rose essence 1 tsp 
  • Rose food colour - optional

How to make:

  1. Mix the milk and condensed milk in a thick bottomed vessel and bring to boil. 
  2. Soak the gelatine in boiling hot water (1 cup) and leave it melt. 
  3. Add this to the milk mixture followed by the rose essence. Leave this to mixture to simmer in low flame, stirring continuously. 
  4. When the mixture thickens, switch off the flame. Add food colour, if using. Pour the mix into ramekins or mould and refrigerate till set. 
  5. Serve chilled with toppings like fresh fruit bits or decorations.

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