Tapioca (Cassava) is an all time favourite for Kerala folks, known as Kappa in Malayalam. Tapioca is prepared in many ways, by boiling, by mashing & mixing it with grated coconut or by simply making a curry by itself or mixed with beef.

This is a recipe of Kappa Puttu where Puttu (Steam cake) is prepared with grated tapioca.



  • Tapioca / Kappa 500 grams (ideally soft & tender)
  • Grated coconut 1 cup
  • Cumin seeds (jeera) 1/2 spoon (optional)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Clean and wash the tapioca, make this into suitable pieces to grate. Grate the tapioca, mix it with little salt and keep it aside. After 10-15 minutes, water would have drained. Strain and squeeze the water out of grated tapioca. Add in the cumin and mix.
  2. In a Puttu maker, add a spoonful of grated coconut, then two spoonfuls of grated tapioca, followed by coconut. Repeat this pattern of alternating kappa and Puttu, till the Puttu maker is almost full. Close the lid and steam it for upto 4-5 minutes.
Nice & hot Kappa Puttu is ready, serve with spicy fish or beef curry. 
In this picture, Puttu is served with spicy fish head curry.

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