This is a delicious Indian bread pudding flavoured with saffron and enriched by adding Rabri (condensed dense sweet milk). It is very rich in flavours and makes a perfect sweet for any occasion. 



  • Bread slices 4 no.s 
  • Rabri 1 cup (please see previous post for recipe 
  • Ghee/ Oil 
  • Crushed dried nuts - almonds, pistachio & cashew 
  • Sugar syrup - water 1 cup, sugar 3/4 cup, crushed cardamom 1 tsp, saffron strands 1 pinch 


  1. At first, prepare the sugar syrup by boiling the water and sugar in a pan. Add the cardamom and saffron strands and simmer it till the sugar syrup reaches one string consistency. Keep it aside. 
  2. Take the bread slices, cut the edges off and slice them into triangle shapes. Fry these bread pieces in ghee till golden brown and crisp. Here I have shallow fried, in original recipe it is deep fried. 
  3. Soak the fried bread pieces in sugar syrup for a minutes, remove and arrange in a platter. 
  4. Pour the chilled Rabri over the fried bread slices and garnish with chopped nuts. 
This can be served warm or cold, we generally prefer serving chilled. 

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