This is a variety dish popular in some parts of Northern Kerala. 

A very close friend of mine shared this with me today & I tried it straightaway. Needless to say that this dish was an instant hit.



  • Bitter gourd /Paavakka 1no. (small)
  • Ginger 1" piece
  • Green chillies 1-2 no.s
  • Thick sour yoghurt/curd 1 cup
  • Salt to taste. 
  • For seasoning - mustard, sliced onion, dry chillies and curry leaves

Method of preparation:

  1. Clean, remove seeds and slice the bitter gourd. Cook this well with adequate salt. When done, let it cool. 
  2. Grind the cooked bitter gourd with ginger & chillies to make a fine paste. The amount of ginger taken should be enough to match the bitterness of the gourd. 
  3. In a bowl, beat the mashed mixture with curd, add salt if required. 
  4. Splutter mustard in hot oil and fry onion, dried chilli pieces and curry leaves. Add this to the curd mixture.
  5. It tastes better if left for sometime and chilled. We can have this with rotis, kuboos, rice etc.

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